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Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • Standard Plan

    Every month
    Note : Every Visit Must Be Prebooked.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Only applies to clinic hours, must book in before arrival!
    • Tailored for individuals who prefer daytime availability
    • The program runs for a total of 3 months.
    • Members have unrestricted access to our EE room in the day
    • Up to 8 ½ hours per day, including 1 ½ hours of breaks
    • Available up to 6 days a week, throughout the month
    • Members must book their hours and days in advance
    • Membership may be suspended if maximum capacity is reached
    • After 3 months, members have an option to renew membership
  • Best Value

    Premium Plan

    Every month
    Note : Every Visit Must Be Prebooked.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Everything the standard plan includes and:
    • !Only applies to clinic hours, must book in before arrival!
    • 2kg of salt & a 100ml Magnesium oil spray monthly, value £65
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