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"Scalar waves are a well-known phenomenon described in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. They occur naturally in Nature (e.g., thoughts, DNA), but currently many healing-technology systems are emerging that can generate scalar waves to intelligently interface with one’s living bio-interactive fields."

In-depth Scalar Wave research Dr Lilli Botchis, PhD

Picture of In-depth Scalar Wave research Dr Lilli Botchis, PhD

Biophotons, are light particles that are generated within the body and are constantly radiated from the body's surface. These spontaneous emissions are thought to be associated with a generation of free radicals due to energy metabolic processes. All living beings give rise to biophotons.

What are Biophotons?

Picture of biophotons

"The bio-electrography instrument is the most advanced medical diagnostic system on this planet. It is certainly a unique instrument and the only scientific assessment tool to analyse energy fields of humans, animals, plants and liquids in the world. Why assess the energy field or the E-field in the first place, how can we accurately measure it and what are the benefits or advantages in using it for the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)?"

A research study by Dr Sabina DeVita, Ed.D, R.N.C.P., CNMP,CBP

A research study by Dr Sabina DeVita, Ed.D, R.N.C.P., CNMP,CBP

"after one hour in the EESystem shows a surprising amount of normalising, The Delta (red) has diminished and become almost entirely normal and the Theta has also diminished and much of the head is in the normal range. The Alpha (all blue) has increased and moved more toward normal as seen in the numerics. Beta has decreased in most areas except frontal."

Research conducted Dr Nancy White, PHD

Picture of Research conducted Dr Nancy White, PHD

"The three-subject study group was comprised of Ken Austin and the above-mentioned couple. They sat together in the chamber for the same period of time each day.  The seven consecutive days of two-hour exposure sessions per day for the three study subjects were all done in the EES Chamber at the home of Dr Sandra Rose Michael in Honolulu."

Read Study

Photo study by videosynergy - The before and after aura photo study of exposure to Scalar Wave energy in the EES chamber

Photo study by videosynergy - The before and after aura photo study of exposure to Scalar Wave energy in the EES chamber

"My aim has really been to prove that the EES raises cellular energy, which I can prove on most of my cases. You will notice the cellular millivolt readings are given above each meridian column. The goal on the graph is to have all yellows (perfect symmetry and all meridians equal millivoltage) and to be in the 70%-100% range (ideal millivoltage strength)."

A research case study conducted by Dr Micheal S Cook D.C.

A research case study conducted by Dr Micheal S Cook D.C.

"All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts - when healthy. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy.


The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire. Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace. Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that which produces energy for your body to live on. In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. In the end all life is energy."

The Barron report by Jon Barron - The energy of life article affirming early research on Scalar Energy & Scalar products. 

The Barron report by Jon Barron - The energy of life article affirming early research on Scalar Energy & Scalar products.


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Battersea Park Clinic

521-525 Battersea Park Road 


SW11 3BN

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